Thursday, April 2, 2009

Le Tag.

Spanks Ellery for the tag! Giggidy.

What is your current obsession?

Doing health shiz, like running, eating vego + organic like a crazy person, and building up my guns.

Do you nap a lot?

Hellllll no. Only if i've had a really excessively big night, but even then i hate the whole waking up, face half caked in drool, disoriented 'what-the-hell-time-is-it?' kinda feeling.

What is on your desk?

A lot less than yesterday after cleaning binge! But tends to build back up again within a matter of hours... Ipod, banana peel (like ew), cup of green tea, crazy old aviator sunnies, dettol (?), felt flower made for me by smellery, 20 cents, bunch of hand-cream, button, crumb.

What would you like to learn to do?

I would really like to learn to windsurf! How 90s is that? Mum used to be some crazy windsurfing nut and although it's not really in vogue right now, i can see myself in my fluro harness going at warp speed across Nelson's Bay, being unable to turn around, and ending up in New Zealand.

What’s for dinner?

Well the day is but young so haven't really planned the menu...i'm guessing it's going to be out of vegetables, or rice, or vegetables and rice.

What is your favorite weather?

NOT RAINING. I love summer on those perfect days when it isn't sweltering, but it's ideal for the beach with your friends that you haven't seen for ages and really miss....*tear*.

What is on your bedside table?

A cute little donkey who holds all manner of random pens, clothing tags and a razor... My momiji doll from El whom i love as she is infinitely adorable and adds to my feng shui i feel. Crazy old clock radio that i haven't swiched on in approx. 2 years. Empty photo frame that i never got around to filling. Well-loved purple lamp that has seen better days.

What’s your style?

Too poor for style.
Otherwise, I would say, dere-licte.

What is your most challenging goal right now?

Trying to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up le early. Early is ok - morning time is ace, but i can't kick the terrible habit of perusing the web until the wee hours for no apparent reason.
Also trying not to binge on biscuits/sweets is hella hard, they are my culinary soul-mates.

If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where do you want it to be?

Probably the south of France, just to be heaps original. I would move there with everyone i know (as it is also the biggest house in the world i assume) and we would sleep atop croissant beds and frolick in the lavender and always be merry and gay.

What would you like to have in your hands right now?

A PUPPY! It would be a dauchtsund and i would call him schnitzel.

What would you like to get rid of?

Your pants.

What languages can you speak?

Working on a French-English Pidgin.

What language(s) do you want to be able to speak?

Pig-latin (never could master the intense tachnical elements of that one), Animal (like Dr. Doolittle fools, or that thornberry kid).

What do you want to be when you grow up?

A retired environmental lawyer who has a brief foray into the television world as a celebrity news-reader but becomes content to live a life of leisure, writing in my spare time a much loved column about nothing in particular feautured weekly in the Sydney Morning Herald.

What's one thing you're looking forward to?

Finally cementing that friendship. Going home at some stage in the next decade. Becoming less of a twat (working on it).

Favourite memory of the last week?

Dinner with the girls (was that in the last week?), all those other amazing social engagements that i attended...yeah.

What websites you visit constantly during the day?

Bookface, Twitter, Hotmail, UTS, Blogger, You-Tube,

If you were to pick up a pen right now, what would be the first thing you'd write?

Grocery shopping list fools.



  1. dude!!!!!!! uber entry alert!!!!!!!!

    awesome!!!!! Im loving all this stuff i get to read!!!!!

    also. that thornberry girl... awesome!
